Since 2001, AgeSA has prepared and shared its detailed CSR report at the end of every year on relevant domestic and foreign platforms, uating the previous year and sharing the planning for the next year.
The CSR Report, examining the status of achievement of the previous year's targets and including plans for the next year, consists of 7 main sections:
Independent of the CSR Report, AgeSA prepares a separate report measuring its impact on the environment at periods of 3 and 6 months. This report, communicated to Aviva plc, consists of 3 main sections:
Natural gas
Travel and transport expenditures
All member companies of the Global Compact must present a report named "COP: Communication On Progress" in which they describe the activities carried out by them in connection with the Global Compact principles. AgeSA communicates this report to the United Nations at the end of every year.