What is the Employer Group Pension Plan?

What is the Employer Group Pension Plan?

AgeSA Employer Group Pension Plan constitutes the private pension plan which provides the advantageous conditions for your corporation and employees.

The Employer Group Pension Plan has a more advantageous structure in comparison with other plans in the Private Pension System. By virtue of the Group Pension Plan, your employees progress through their retirement dreams with easier steps while your corporation becomes profitable for the reason that the it deducts from the corporate tax the contribution amounts paid by it with respect to the employees, 15% of the monthly gross wage of the employee and the part up to the total amount of gross minimum wage on a yearly basis. Furthermore, the flexible vested benefits of your company shall be intensified when you present to your employees the Private Pension Plan which constitutes one of the important criteria in terms of the company selections of the employees.

By virtue of the Group Pension Plan, you may include your employees to the system in the manner in entirely corporation contributed manner, corporation and employee contributed manner or entirely employee contributed manner.

It constitutes a savings and investment instrument which comprises the state contribution.
It increases the belongingness of your employees to the company.
In terms of the tax applications, the corporate cost advantage created by the Employer PPS payment is available.
It increases the motivation of your employees.
The funds of your employees shall be managed by the specialists.
EMPLOYER GROUP PENSION PLAN IN TERMS OF THE EMPLOYEES The savings of the employees increase in value by virtue of the state contribution.
It ensures the maintenance of the accustomed life standard in the retirement period as well.
Regardless of the size of the savings, professional fund management service shall be provided.
Even though they may have left the system, they will be able to benefit from the advantages of the group pension system so long as they do not quit the system.
Execution of the investments in much more advantageous conditions in comparison with the private pensions shall be ensured.
Why Should You Prefer the AgeSA Group Pension Plan?
• You can enjoy the safety and convenience of working with the market leader which has the largest funds among all private pension companies and that provides services to more than 200 corporations.
• You can easily execute your Group Pension Plan within 5 steps.
• You can expedite your processes by virtue of the practical and speedy collection processes.
• By means of the “Turnkey PPS” Projects, you can receive presales and aftersales support.
• For all types of questions, you can call our Corporate Services Center at 0850 502 72 72 which is specific for the customers of the Group Pension Plan.
• The savings of your employees is invested under the assurance of AgeSA by the dynamic, professional and successful portfolio management teams of Akportföy which constitutes the leading portfolio management company of Turkey.
• You can benefit from the Legal Consultancy Service with respect to all kinds of legal questions.
• You can benefit from the Corporate Internet Branch specific for your company which constitutes the first and sole example in the Corporate CRM sector and the reporting service.
• Via our Corporate Internet Branch, you can execute transactions on a 7/24 basis.
• In order to benefit from the Corporate Specific Project Consultancy Service, you can reach the e-mail address of kurumsalprojeler@agesahayatemeklilik.com.tr via e-mail.

What is the Vesting Period?

The vesting application is the entitlement by the employees who participate in the system in the corporate contributed manner only within the context of the determined entitlement period.

It is possible to stipulate within the scope of the employer group pension contract the entitlement period up to maximum seven years in order for the investor become entitled to the contribution amounts paid by the employer and the entire amounts of the yields of these contribution amounts.

Entitlement Period Specified in the Contract* (Years)
Minimum Entitlement Rate As of End of Contract Year (%) <1 Year 1. Year 2. Year 3. Year 4. Year 5. Year 6. Year 7. Year
0 100
1 0 100
2 0 0 100
3 0 0 0 100
4 0 0 0 75 100
5 0 0 0 60 80 100
6 0 0 0 60 70 80 100
7 0 0 0 50 60 70 80 100

* The entitlement period shall not be less than one year.

What Are the Vesting Conditions?
The employee who participated in the corporate contributed manner shall become vested for the contribution amounts which are paid by the sponsor institution on behalf and account of themselves and the entire amounts of these contribution amounts without awaiting for the completion of the entitlement period in the case where;
• The employment contract of the employee is terminated by the sponsor institution without the presence of valid reasons,
• The employee quits the job due to force majeure such as disability or incapacity,
• The sponsor institution terminates the group pension contracts or it announces bankruptcy or concordatum,
• If the employee deceases
In Vesting application; employees enrolled to the system with company contribution, shall be entitled to the entire of the contribution paid by the employer, as of the start date of the agreement according to the entitlement periods specified by the employer.
Vesting practice in Turkey became a law within the Insurance Law date June 3rd, 2007. Please click in order to have access to the articles of the law and regulation with respect to the vesting period which was renewed on 17 December 2016 by means of the Private Pension Regulation.
Tax Advantages of the Employer Group Pension Plan
Corporate Tax
The contribution amounts which are paid to the private pension system on behalf of the wage earners by the employers can be taken into consideration as direct expense with regard to the determination of the commercial profit.

The amount which can be taken into consideration as direct expense shall not exceed 15% of the gross wage generated by the employee in the relevant payment month and the annual minimum gross wage.
State Contribution
This is the amount paid by the state to the pension account of the participant amounting to 30% of the contribution paid by the participant.

An amount corresponding to twenty five percent of the contributions paid to the personal pension account on behalf of the participant are subjected to state contribution, except for the contributions paid by the employer.
The total amount of contributions and additional contribution amount and initial capital serving as basis for the calculation of state contribution amount and paid in one year for one participant, shall not exceed the total amount corresponding to the calculation period of the gross minimum wage applicable on the end date of the calculation period.
AgeSA Employer Group Pension Plan With Respect to Transition Into Automatic Participation
AgeSA stands by you on a 7/24 basis along with its team which is formed by it with respect to transition into Automatic Participation implementation in order to facilitate the transition period of the corporations.
By virtue of the Automatic Participation system, automatic participation of each employee in the private sector and public sector to the Private Pension System is ensured.
Pursuant to the Automatic Participation system, the employees shall be obliged to transfer the wage of the employee to the relevant pension company at the latest on the business day following the wage payment of the employee.
You can examine our Automatic Participation page with respect to the issues you wonder regarding the Automatic Participation.
In order to include your company to Automatic Participation, you may receive proposals just within a few minutes by entering your information via the Receive Proposal application.